Ranking of rural localities in Malta and Gozo according to their degree of exposure to traditional locally produced fare
Authors: George Attard, Francesco Luca Alexander, Tony Meli
Corresponding: George Attard (george.attard@um.edu.mt)
Keywords: Malta, Locations, Rural Food, Surveys, Food
Doi: 10.7423/XJENZA.2023.2.04
Issue: Xjenza Online Vol. 11
Abstract: Mediterranean fare originated from regional ethnic groups living in the region, and, other than from external cultural influences, the ingredients used mostly originated from local production. In evaluating the role of tradition in Maltese food culture, three factors, namely part-time farmers, kitchen gardens, and small livestock numbers, appear to have characterised food production within a Mediterranean island agricultural landscape that was dominated by small holdings. This study evaluates Malta's different rural localities, ranked according to evidenced agricultural activities in small farming holdings, which, by their self-sustenance, appear to have retained traditional Maltese rural features. This paper can serve as a guideline for selecting locations to evaluate production and consumption patterns of traditional Maltese food in rural areas.
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